The Double-Crosser – Monday’s Finish the Story

It’s time for Monday’s Finish the Story again. This is a flash fiction challenge which asks that we write a story in 150 words from the picture and first line prompt kindly provided by the  host, Barbara W. Beacham.

Here is this week’s photo . . .


. . . and this is my story, including the first line prompt:

A body suddenly crashed through a plate glass window at the brigadier’s house. It plummeted past Brigadier Humphreys, lounging on the balcony below. He sped upstairs and into the room, his lower jaw quivering in outrage.

‘What the deuce is going on?’ he demanded, glaring at the shattered window.

‘Relax, Brigadier,’ Mike Jewson soothed, his Texan drawl pronounced. ‘You’ll be reimbursed real well for use of your place once we’re done.’

‘B … but the body …?

Jewson shrugged. ‘No worries, man. Best way to deal with the double-crosser, is all.’

Charles Humphries glanced about the room, taking in the amused faces and their fancy equipment. ‘But you can’t just murder someone, it–’

‘ – was necessary, Brigadier,’ a tall, suave man in tux and bow tie cut in. ‘Agent 008 at your service,’ he added, grinning. ‘He was threatening British Security.’

‘Ah, that’s different then,’ the brigadier murmured as he left.

‘Go retrieve the dummy, Hank, then we roll with scene two.’

Word count: 150

To view other entries, click here.


44 thoughts on “The Double-Crosser – Monday’s Finish the Story

    1. That’s a really lovely comment PJ. But your own writing skills are good and getting better by the week. I’m impressed by your determination to improve. 🙂

      1. Thank you Millie! I really am trying to improve and learning everything I can. You certainly are an excellent writer and I know it takes years to get that good.

      2. It’s all a question about picking up tips along the way – and, of course, reading. There’s no better way to pick up writing skills than reading works by people really good at it. I’ve been an avid reader all my life, so things like grammar and punctuation etc. have never been a issue. I just need lessons on how to aviod typos! Haha. You’re getting there nicely, so just keep going. 🙂

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