A Seaside Snack – Flash Fiction

‘Can I have some of yer chips?’

Sam glanced up from his meal and glowered at his scrawny brother. ‘Push off, yer scrounging moron.’

‘Yer knows I’ve bust me arm… Mam says yer’ve to look after me while I’m poorly.’

‘So? I had to find me own food when I broke me leg.’

‘Just one chip…?’

‘No! Mam’s just stuffed half a fish down yer throat. I didn’t get any, did I?’

‘Cos yer were eating chips, and –’

Sam gave Sid’s good wing a sharp peck, causing him to screech. ‘Now yer’ve got two poorly arms. P’raps Mam’ll feed you a whole fish next time.



I starting writing this short piece a few weeks ago, intending to finish it in time to post to Friday Fictioneers. I didn’t finish it and it’s languished in my drafts until today when I decided to find my own, similar, photo prompt and get it posted.

17 thoughts on “A Seaside Snack – Flash Fiction

    1. Thanks Jo. I’m glad you liked the story. I have about ten unfinished posts in my drafts, but at least I can claim to have far fewer than my daughter, Louise, who has dozens of them. I hope to get back to joining some challenges again, soon. 😀

    1. Hi Dawn. I hope to join in Friday Fictioneers again soon. I’ve been awol from my blog for far too long, and I’m just finding my feet again. Some of the other challenges I used to do seem to have closed now, so I need to have a hunt around for others. Like you, I really enjoy writing flash, especially when it’s part of a challenge. 😀

  1. I loved fish and chips as a child, and still love it now. The only difference is that newspaper wrapping used to be acceptable.. It isn’t now!!

    1. I really miss old style wrapping, and hate the little plastic or polystyrene dishes some ‘chippies’ put the fish and chips in now. I know I’m old fashioned (or just plain old!) but I saw no reason for things to change. And fish and chips eaten at the seaside always taste the best.

  2. I wouldn’t put it past either of them to pinch your ice cream, draliman. A few fish and chips wouldn’t fill them up – and after all, they’d be needing a dessert to finish off their meal. Sid always did have a sweet tooth. 😀

    1. Hello, Inese! I’ve been back on my blog for a few weeks now, Inese, after being awol for most of the last 3 years. I’m only just finding my feet, so I haven’t managed to visit all my old friends yet. I don’t imagine you’ve been away this year. I know you often visit your daughter in the US in summer. It’s been an awful year for so much of the world. I hope to visit many blogs this week, so I’ll catch up with some of your recent posts then. I’ve really missed them! I hope you are keeping well now, too. ❤

      1. Three years! Was it that long? So delighted you are back.
        I had quite a tough year. Posted some bits and pieces just to keep the blog afloat.
        I still hope you write another book 🙂 Please, Millie 🙂 ❤

  3. I’m researching for my next book at the moment, Inese – at least, I am when I’m not on my blog or Twitter. I’ve always found it hard to fit so many things in each day, which is the reason I had to stop writing blog posts for so long. I have five books finished now, and I’m really happy my series is finished. My next book will be a one-off, set in the early 17th century. 😀

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